05 Oct cateringequipment, Virdex News Coffee, Sugar and Anti-social Behaviours Thursday November 16th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Do you drink bitter coffee? Well, you may have psychopathic tendencies. Sounds just like click-bait, huh? However, these are pre...Continue reading
04 Oct cateringequipment, pastry, Virdex News The Ice-Cream Cake Wednesday October 4th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin So... ice cream cake! It's great after a dinner party. Or after an afternoon tea or coffee (depending on which part of the world you...Continue reading
29 Sep cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Assassin’s Spaghetti! Friday September 29th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin We all know how to cook spaghetti, right? You put the water in the pan and start heating it and... You know what? Not all recipes s...Continue reading
06 Jul cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News Pizza, ruins and ancestors Thursday July 6th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin The pizza of the ancient Romans. Except it's not... In recent days, during archaeological excavations in the always mysterious and f...Continue reading
05 Jul cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News How many toppings are “too many”? Wednesday July 5th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin So... pizza! How many toppings are too many? Last January, a Scottish TikToker (it's always one of them...) called Darren Dowling...Continue reading
03 Jul cateringequipment, Virdex News HACCP and Space Travels Monday July 3rd, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). To those who have never been employed in the hospitality and/or foodservice sec...Continue reading
29 Jun cateringequipment, Virdex News Mother’s Nature and the Calories’trick Thursday June 29th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin There is a spite that Mother Nature has done to us mere mortals, it is to make unhealthy foods so tasty and irresistible. There is a...Continue reading
26 Jun cateringequipment, Virdex News Smell of Time Travels Monday June 26th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Let's imagine we have a time machine, and we want to travel a few centuries back to visit a glorious past era. Perhaps the Florentin...Continue reading
22 Jun cateringequipment, formaggio, Virdex News Cheese and Serendipity Thursday June 22nd, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Do you know what serendipity means? Quite simply, it's an unexpected stroke of luck that happens when you make a pleasant discovery ...Continue reading
21 Jun cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News Food Porn: the G-Rated Porn Wednesday June 21st, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin What exactly does food porn mean? After seeing this word in thousands of hashtags and mentions, we know for sure that "porn" has not...Continue reading