09 Dec cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Better Call Slow (Dried) Monday December 9th, 2024 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin A countertrend has arisen among food consumers as a response to the foodservice automation process, day after day required to optimize ...Continue reading
24 Sep cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Two tricks for “figuring out” pasta Tuesday September 24th, 2024 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Hey Pasta Lovers! Fancy two quick and simple tricks to test the quality of dried pasta? 1) Check the colour! This must be a homogene...Continue reading
11 Mar pasta, Virdex News Ravioli and Polygenesis Monday March 11th, 2024 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin By polygenesis we mean a phenomenon that was not born from a single cause, but rather evolved as several lineages independent of one an...Continue reading
29 Sep cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Assassin’s Spaghetti! Friday September 29th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin We all know how to cook spaghetti, right? You put the water in the pan and start heating it and... You know what? Not all recipes s...Continue reading
06 Jun cateringequipment, pasta, pizza, Virdex News Eat, die, pay Tuesday June 6th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin This has got to be one of the most original restaurant marketing ideas I've ever seen... The New Zealand chain Hell Pizza, which has...Continue reading
05 Jun bakery, cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Is Story-telling supposed to tell the truth? The “Pinsa” case Monday June 5th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Storytelling is a tool that is becoming increasingly popular in marketing. Briefly, it is the narration of facts or experiences, linked...Continue reading
31 May cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Speaking Macaronic Wednesday May 31st, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Hey you, can you speak Macaronic? Ok, let's be more precise here: there is no such an idiom. However, there is the expression mac...Continue reading
25 May cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Al dente is better! Thursday May 25th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin How do you like your pasta cooked? Ok, tastes are subjective, of course. Still... Al dente has objective advantages. Just be carefu...Continue reading
24 May cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Sugar and Tomato Sauce Wednesday May 24th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin There's a trick that every Italian grandmother knows: add a teaspoon of sugar to tomato sauce, so that it doesn't have an aftertaste to...Continue reading
23 May cateringequipment, pasta, Virdex News Laughter, laughter, mom made gnocchi for supper! Friday June 16th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin There is an old Italian saying which reads: "Ridi ridi, che la mamma ha fatto gli gnocchi!". My attempt at a translation would be: ...Continue reading