14 Dec cateringequipment, Virdex News Mom’s cooking Thursday December 14th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin There is an old saying that goes: "Mum's cooking is always the best". And there's even a scientific experiment aiming to prove it, ca...Continue reading
30 Nov cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News Organic food: What do We Know? Thursday November 30th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin The smiling farmer, the shining trees under the spring sun, the hens cackling after having laid an egg on a bale of hay... all these bu...Continue reading
21 Nov cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News Food and Music Tuesday November 21st, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Every kind of cuisine has its own musical genre! And there are two main explanations for this: one subjective (concerning the concep...Continue reading
16 Nov cateringequipment, pizza, Virdex News North Korean Pizza Thursday November 16th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Everyone loves pizza. Even those you probably don't expect to. Specifically, I am talking about the former President of North Korea...Continue reading
15 Nov cateringequipment, Virdex News It’s bad for your health. Or is it good? Wednesday November 15th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Have you ever heard that this or that food is carcinogenic? Probably, you've heard it said about so many foods that you hardly pay any...Continue reading
02 Nov cateringequipment, Virdex News No man can be wise on a empty stomach! Tuesday June 18th, 2024 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin As George Eliot said: "No man can be wise on an empty stomach." And it's funny how the poetess came close to a truth (near to be) pro...Continue reading
25 Oct cateringequipment, Virdex News Walking the walk. For digestion! Wednesday October 25th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Especially in Romance languages, such as Italian, French or Spanish, the liqueur after meals is also called digestive. This to empha...Continue reading
09 Oct cateringequipment, Virdex News Taste and Distaste Tuesday October 24th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin "De gustibus non est disputandum" says one of the best-known Latin proverbs. "One can't have disputes about other people's personal ...Continue reading
06 Oct cateringequipment, Virdex News Transylvania, Dracula and Sausages Friday October 6th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Be honest, what comes to mind when you think of Transylvania? Oh yes, Count Dracula. Anyway... the charm of this historic region ...Continue reading
05 Oct cateringequipment, Virdex News Coffee, Sugar and Anti-social Behaviours Thursday November 16th, 2023 By Giulio Virduci Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest linkedin Do you drink bitter coffee? Well, you may have psychopathic tendencies. Sounds just like click-bait, huh? However, these are pre...Continue reading