aspirazione, cateringequipment, Virdex News

The podium of the Air Extraction

As much as this masterpiece of creativity that you see in the attached photo may make you smile, the truth is one: there is no alternative to the extraction hood!

But what are the main factors that influence the air-extraction?

A scientific study from 2008 identified the “Top 3”.

The research, entitled “A review of published quantitative experimental studies on factors affecting laboratory fume hood performance” is a meta-analysis: that is, a study that compares the data of multiple studies conducted on the same topic.

The data from 47 studies carried out over 40 years were compared, reaching the conclusion that the elements that most affect correct aspiration are in order:

1) the presence of people in the room or in front of the cooking area;

2) the distance between the source of the thermal plume and the breathing area;

3) the height at which the filter area is located.

Obviously, this list is far from exhaustive!

There are a lot of variables to consider such as the shape of the hood, the composition of the cooking line, and other factors that we have covered in previous posts. Or, that we will cover!

Because for Aluminox, education, both of the staff and that of our customers and end users, is crucial.

As important as producing good hoods!

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