pizza, Virdex News

Cold Cuts on Pizza? Yes. On the side…

Hey, pizza lovers… wanna hear a piece of heartfelt advice?
Do you want cold cuts as toppings?

Ask for them to be brought to you separately: either on a small plate or on food paper.

And when your pizza arrives, garnish it yourself: the effect will be much better and more fragrant.

In fact, cold cuts tend to cook when in contact with the high temperature of freshly baked pizza, becoming hard and reaching a “shoe insole” effect.

That happens especially when it comes to Prosciutto Crudo (Parma or Serrano, for example), mortadella, and bresaola.

An unpleasant sensation, for sure.

But you can avoid it by placing the toppings yourself when served at the table.

Simple and effective, isn’t it?

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