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Benjamin Franklin, Guests and (dryaged) Fish

Benjamin Franklin was one of the most brilliant minds in the history of mankind.

Although he’s remembered above all for being one of the Founding Fathers of the USA, he was a perfect example of a polymath: his knowledge ranged from physics to philosophy, to economics, to astronomy, and more.

One of his most famous quotes, however, has nothing to do with politics, nor with lightning.

“Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days”.

Well, allow me to put it into context!

The fish does not stink after 3 days if it’s left in a controlled environment.

Just as happens with the fish dry-ageing: a process in which the proteins of the muscles are degraded and broken down into molecules that give the fish different types of flavour, now concentrated due to the loss of liquids.

And the guests who come to Inox Bim to see how the climatic cabinets for dry-ageing (meat or fish!) are manufactured, well… the are always most welcome!

Just like Pero and Dalibor, who came all the way down from the splendid city of Dubrovnik (Croatia), famous for its sea and the delights that it gives!

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