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Mom’s cooking

There is an old saying that goes:

“Mum’s cooking is always the best”.

And there’s even a scientific experiment aiming to prove it, carried by Dr. Christy Fergusson, a British “Food Psychologist”.

Two groups of people were served a Christmas meal.

The participants of the first group were seated in a Christmas-themed decorated room: they were also told their food was prepared by chefs who followed traditional family recipes step by step.

Another group was served the same food, but in a decidedly colder way: without decorations or story-telling of any kind.

The result? Well, it’s not surprising: the first group rated the flavor of the food higher than the second.

I have some reservations regarding the scientific nature of the experiment tho…

First of all: there was only one test, with an unspecified number of people (nor can we find anything regarding the menu, the social and cultural background of the tasters, etc.).

Furthermore, the research was carried on behalf of a multinational frozen food company.
I don’t know… that makes it a bit weird, me thinks!

However, there are several other explanations why mum’s cooking is always the best.

Comfort food arouses a sense of protection in the individual, due to the re-emergence of the sensations of “secure attachment” that the family inspires.
And Mom’s cooking is the comfort food “par excellence“.

And the rosy retrospective: the tendency to remember the past in a disproportionately positive way.

Or, you know what? I don’t care.

The food my mamma makes is the best in the world.

Look at the tomato sauce in the pic below!

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