cateringequipment, Virdex News

Schiller’s inspiration

Friedrich Schiller was an amazing man of culture of the German Enlightenment age.

His intellectual production was huge, consistent all along his career, in quantity as well in quality.

His work ranges from philosophy to physics, from history to poetry, from music to playwrighting.

Such a prolific author must have a source of inspiration, you may be wondering.
Well … yes. Schiller had a “trick“. And one day, a friend with whom he used to hang out, a guy named Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, found this out.

Schiller used to store in one drawer of his desk a few apples, letting them spoil.
The aroma of the rotten apples helped him focus on his work, heightening his creativity.
Goethe found it disgusting, but Schiller wasn’t intentioned to drop this habit for nothing in the world.

According to his wife’s words: “he could not live or work without it“.

If you want to try something inspiring too, I would recommend something less “smelly“.

On the other hand, I can recommend an excellent line of ozone refrigerators to store fruit and extend its shelf-life tho!

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