aspirazione, cateringequipment, Virdex News

Hoods and Fire Prevention

Anyone who has even just a little experience with professional cooking, directly or indirectly, can see what went wrong in this video.

Except the people involved, apparently.

Actually, a bit of rudimentary understanding of physics might be enough.

In any case… let’s break down what happened:

– The wok, or any other cooking appliance in operation, should not be left unattended.

– The chef immediately turned off the heat. Correct. But he should have had to cover everything with the lid.

– The chef even lets the fire grow, going himself to find something to put out the fire (while the other commis continued to plate the food up as if nothing had happened!)

– The cook throws something on the fire that doesn’t really look like a fire blanket, but rather a tablecloth: too light and not made of the right material to extinguish the flame.

– The fire keep burning. While the commis continues undisturbed to mind his own business.

. The chef throws over it a second tablecloth. He doesn’t even check if it is placed in the correct way (you don’t seal the flame if it keeps “breathing” oxygen).

– The chef throws away a third tablecloth. Now the fire blazes. The commis still doesn’t bother.

-At this point, the sous-chef has a stroke of genius: throwing some water that he had into a saucepan. Luckily there was little water, otherwise the video would have been not comical, but rather tragic! Never use water on a Class F Fire!

– It ends with the chef who, following an epiphany, turns everything off with the fire extinguisher. It was probably too late tho, and even the grease-stained walls caught fire.

– The commis stays there till the very end.

However, only damages and no injuries, fortunately.

First of all: the staff must be trained for this type of emergency.
Anyway, a fire prevention system can prevent fires that can have even more tragic outcomes than this video.

This is why ALUMINOX is moving to soon be able to provide fire prevention devices integrated into the hood.
Because in addition to quality, we also want to offer you safety!

Stay tuned!

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