cateringequipment, refrigeration, Virdex News


Being something of a boomer, there are several social trends I don’t understand.

Not least, that of Fridgescaping. Which would be, nothing more and nothing less, than decorating the inside of your refrigerator.

I imagine your sceptical face… and yet, it is a new trend that has recently exploded on the social network Tik Tok (and where else??), where its hashtag has reached 35 million mentions.

Decorate the shelves of your fridge as if they were small English Dolls Houses, or your balcony on the main street, complete with vases, (fake) flowers and LED lights.
Giving vent to your aesthetic sense in one of the “least orthodox” places you can imagine.

All of that shared with pics with the most captivating filters, aiming to receive that cascade of likes so beneficial to the ego of the Homus Sapiens Social.

A new trend that is apparently harmless.

But my grumpy old soul can’t help but rant something against it…

1) In almost every photo I see, I notice that there is food inside the fridge (in the vast majority of cases, it is the only fridge in the house). It goes without saying that to furnish it you have to keep it open, even if it is in operation. This is not a good thing, neither for the food that is inside nor for the energy waste that comes from it

2) Knick-knacks and various decorations, many times, are not made to be near food. They are carriers of microbes and bacteria, when not treated or colored with harmful substances. I would not put them near fruit and vegetables…

In any case: I sell refrigerators (for professional catering).

The interiors are also nice and roomy. With the possibility of creating sleeping areas, spaces for leisure, cosy guest rooms, and covered parking.

But I would be happier if you put food in them.
And I’m pretty sure so would the health authorities…

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