pizza, Virdex News

Hawaiian Pizza ain’t cheap here….

If you end up in a purist‘s Pizzeria, it is improbable that you’ll find the infamous Hawaiian pizza on the menu.
There’s an exception tho: in the city of Ixelles, Belgium.

There is a pizzeria down there, run by Bernardo D’Annolfo, an “old school” Neapolitan pizza chef. Who, it goes without saying, he’s pretty unfavourable to pineapple on pizza.
On the other hand, the name of the pizzeria says it all: “Neapolitan Education“.

Bernardo, evidently annoyed by customers’ requests to which he had to respond that Hawaiian pizza was banned from his restaurant, decided to include it in the menu.
At the astonishing price of €100 tho: almost the cost of 10 “orthodox” pizzas.

When a journalist asked him about this marketing strategy, the Chef replied:

“My pizzeria, my rules!”.

Anyhoo… if you have a pizzeria, I’d suggest a Inox Bim retarder proofer to raise the dough.
Toppings aren’t my business…
I would never discuss your rules!

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