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Omnivorous, Hunting and Fishing

You can be against hunting or sport fishing, and still be omnivorous.
Although We must admit that there’s a contradiction there.

A sort of moral dilemma similar to the meat paradox, which I discussed some time ago.

First of all, hunting is a crucial activity for the evolution of human beings. A milestone in our social history, but it has now almost exclusively become a divertissement.

The vast majority of hunters (like fishermen) do not do it for subsistence, but rather as a hobby.

Morally right? Well, let’s not get into discussions that deal with the universality or contextuality of ethics and morals.

I’ll just say that, personally, I eat meat but I don’t want to hunt (or fish) for sport.

Nor would I be able to do it out of necessity, let’s be clear. What’s that old saying? “If we had to slaughter our own meat, we’d all be vegetarian“.

Anyway: I think it is at least barbaric to kill living beings for fun.

This is especially true for so-called sporting events such as bullfighting or other antics in which an animal is tortured to enrapture the crowd.

But also for those who kill in a more human way.
Believe it or not, this is the justification hunters give themselves.

They kill without inflicting “unnecessary suffering” on the animal.

Like an eighteenth-century duel, in which however no attention is paid to that gesture of chivalry which would be to provide the opponent with an identical weapon.

Then yes.

I eat meat from pigs, cattle or poultry, raised for the sole purpose of being killed to satiate my appetite.

I’m a hypocrite myself. I have no choice but to admit that.

“It is doubtful whether the majority of people truly comprehend that the consequence of eating meat is the killing of an animal. There is no argument to support the claim that the glorification of hunting by the hunter has its parallel in what is going on when a person sits down to have dinner”.

D.K.Wills, “One Man’s View of Sport Hunting“. HSUS News, n.6/1991

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