aspirazione, cateringequipment, Virdex News

Ozone, Odours, Air Extraction

The history of Ozone is funny.

Despite its simplicity, it is nothing more than a gas made up of three oxygen molecules, it was isolated quite recently: in 1839.

Its discoverer, the German chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein, hearing that it had the same smell that lightning leaves, decided to baptize it with a name that followed the verb ozein (ὄζειν), ancient Greek for “to smell; to give off an odour”.

Ozone does give off a smell, which at high concentrations can be pungent (and irritating to the mucous membranes).
Still, one of its main values is precisely that of defeating odours.

It is used in professional catering (I) as a valid disinfectant and bactericide. It therefore crashes the causes of bad odors “at the source“.

Speaking of professional catering: it can also be used successfully in extraction!

Aluminox (exactly!) allows the integration of a UV-C + Ozone lamp system, which is integrated into the hood or in the external extraction control unit.

Effective solution for reducing odours in air extraction, as well as leading to a significant reduction in germs, mould and bacteria on grease deposits (without having to resort to chemical products!)

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