aspirazione, cateringequipment, Virdex News

Pressure Drops

Another variable (yet another) to keep in mind when trying to establish the air flow rate of an extraction system is the presence of pressure drops: the part of potential energy lost by the fluid to overcome the friction encountered when sliding inside a duct.

And I know it may seem strange at first glance, at least for those without knowledge of physics: air is a fluid!

In the extraction sector for professional catering, everything translates into the “additional” work that the fans must carry out to optimize these pressure losses that occur in the journey that the air travels between the hood and the exhaust chimney.

It can be said that pressure drops are divided into two categories:



This is due to the frictional resistance produced by the channel’s walls air. They depend on the physical state, flow, airspeed, roughness and length of the duct.


They occur when the airflow undergoes variations in direction, as in the case of particularly angled curves of the ducts, air grilles, delivery vents, plenums, etc…


In conclusion: installing an extraction system is not easy. Trust the professionals.

And for your hood, rely on Aluminox!

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