aspirazione, cateringequipment, Virdex News

Warewashing, Aspiration and Heat Recovery

All restaurants are equipped with a washing area.
First of all, the law requires it.
However, You wouldn’t do good business serving food on dirty plates…

The main machine in the washing area is obviously the dishwasher.

Which generates quite a bit of steam, and by consequence raising the temperature and percentage of relative humidity in the environment.

Now, the point is: is an extractor hood needed for the dishwasher, even though it does not produce cooking fumes and, therefore, particulates that are harmful to operators?

The answer, of course, is yes.
Otherwise, we wouldn’t have written this post, don’t you think??

Above a dishwasher that carries out a fairly large workload at each service, it is better to have an extraction hood.

They do contribute substantially to eliminating excess humidity and the heat brought by the steam produced by the washing water.

Just an example: an experiment carried on in the United States demonstrated how, by dividing the kitchen into 3 zones depending on the work carried out, the washing area was the one with a relative humidity 55% higher than the average of the other zones, with peaks of 69%, with temperature ranges from 24° to 32°C, with peaks of 38°C if the washing area is close to the cooking area (2019 ASHRAE® Handbook Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Applications – 34.10).

Besides that, it can be equipped with a heat recovery system, which allows you to recover part of the heat (duh!) released when the dishwasher door is opened.

This will be used to heat the pipes containing the water used for cleaning dishes (or other operations).

Aluminox offers an external module, equipped with a refrigeration unit for condensation, equipped with a coil, a small boiler and…

If you want to know more, just ask us about the KV + Condensing module!

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