aspirazione, Virdex News

Web Scraping and Smell in the Lounge Room

Do you run or work for a company that deals with air extraction for restaurants or catering businesses?
Do you want to know a way to get some clients?

Using Web Scraping!

Okay, maybe to those more expert in web marketing tools, this doesn’t sound like something new…

Yet, not many people know about it, especially in our sector!

Basically, and very quickly, it is an automated process of extracting data from one or more websites.

Provided that the data from which it is drawn are public, of course!

It allows you to locate specific content in a boundless sea of data.

I don’t know if I made myself clear… but let’s get to the point.

You can scrape among the restaurant reviews those in which customers complain about the stench that remained on their hair, or on clothes, after lunch or dinner (or even the next day).

This means only one thing: the kitchen ventilation is not working properly, and the smell of cooking has spilt over into the lounge room.

What better opportunity to offer your services then?

So, you take care of the inspection and installation. Aluminox will provide you with a new and functional hood.


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