Someone asked AI to generate a selfie of Christ’s last supper.
…it would be stupid to point out the anachronisms in such an image, so I’ll overlook those light bulbs, and those finely finished dishes.
My doubts are more about:
– Why does Jesus vaguely resemble Christan Bale?
– Why are there only 9 disciples? I could have understood if only Judas Iscariot was missing in the photo… but why are 3 of them missing?
– What the hell is in those dishes? It would look like a fish cut in half, even if what you see coming out doesn’t look like a fish bone. And, even if that was correct, what fish is that? Is it an eel, like it is believed depicted in Leonardo’s last Supper?
And then another plate with, I don’t know what… bread? Oddly shaped fruit?
However, to cook professionally, don’t use artificial intelligence, rather your own creative intelligence.
And most importantly, if you are a professional cook, buy my stuff!