cateringequipment, Virdex News

Frying paradox

Do you know the definition of paradox?

“A statement that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true (or possible)”

And do you know the frying paradox?

“A crispy, tasty and healthy frying is obtained when the food is immersed in abundant boiling oil, rather than in a pan with a little oil”.

Let’s start from this: to fry the oil must reach a temperature that is around 165 °C and 180 °C.

By immersing the food in a tank full of oil at the right temperature, a sort of golden patina is formed which makes the food more crunchy and, at the same time, prevents the oil from penetrating inside the food, which involves the loss of nutrients (and an increase in fats).

On the contrary, by frying with a little oil (such as “pan-frying”), the water contained in the food evaporates faster, thus allowing the fats to be absorbed.

And there’s more: when you put a lot of food in the pan, the oil temperature drops, risking going below 165° C minimum (while a large amount of oil can handle the shock of food added).

Last but not least: if the food does not “float” in the oil, there is a risk of frying one side more than the other …

Anyway… deep-frying is good. And it is better when done using Inox Bim professional fryer (available in different sizes…)

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