Virdex News

There’s something (frying) in the air

So, buckwheat isn’t properly “wheat”.
Hay fever isn’t a “fever”
And air fryers aren’t actually “fryers”.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not going to criticize the equipment itself. I’m not stating it doesn’t work, nor it isn’t suitable for cooking, nor I am gonna doubt you can cook delicious food with it.

Still, it is not a fryer.

Well, first of all, “frying” means “cooking the food in fats“. You can fry with olive oil, lard, butter, coconut oil, sunflower oil and so on…
And that could be pretty much it already: “air” doesn’t belong to the category of “fats”, ergo there’s no such thing as “frying with air”.

Now, the air fryer, equipped with a resistor and a fan, and usually in a compact size, can reach high temperatures in a fairly quick time, cooking food with a convective air motion: the heat is transferred from the higher temperature system (the air) to the lower temperature one (the food).

And, thanks to its component and the small volume of the internal chamber, this phenomenon is fast enough to make it easy to cook food by making the outside crispy and crunchy (thanks to the Maillard Reaction) without burning or overcooking the inside.

Now, if the above remind you of a normal convection oven, it’s your fault, not mine!

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